Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně

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Mohsin Javed, Ph.D.
Scientific Researcher

Mohsin Javed, Ph.D.

Ústav podnikové ekonomiky
E-mail: javed@utb.cz Kancelář:


Konzultační hodiny

Tuesday 14:00-16:00



2017-2021: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Administration, Ph.D. Economics and Management

Průběh zaměstnání

2021-Present: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Administration, Scientific Researcher

Další publikace

Javed, M., Tučková, Z., & Jibril, AB (2020). An Assessment of Tourist Satisfaction: A Review of Some Precursors and Consequences. In 3rd International Conference on Tourism Research (p. 322), Academic Conferences and publishing limited.

Javed, M., Tučková, Z., & Abbas, Z. (2020). Towards Understanding the Challenges of COVID-19 and Tourism Industry. In 14th International Conference INPROFORUM 2020, 5th – 6th November, 2020, Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

Abbas, Z., Zámečník, R., Javed, M., Gulzar, S., Hussain, K., Shoaib, M., Yousaf, M. (2020). A systematic quantitative literature review of GHRM under AMO theoretical perspective. In 14th International Conference INPROFORUM 2020, 5th – 6th November, 2020, Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

Javed, M., Tučková, Z., & Abbas, Z. (2020), Knowledge agents, organizational and social performance in the restaurant industry. In 22nd International Conference on Environmental Economics, Policy and International Environmental Relations . 19-20 November, 2020, University of Economics and Business, Prague, & Charles University, Prague.

Abbas, Z., Zámečník, R., & Javed, M., (2020). GHRM practices as a predictor of sustainability: the moderating role of employee environmental responsibility. In 22nd International Conference on Environmental Economics, Policy and International Environmental Relations . 19-20 November, 2020, University of Economics and Business, Prague, & Charles University, Prague.

Javed, M., Tučková, Z. (2019). Sustainable Tourism: Antecedent Dimensions and Future Agenda. In 15th International Bata Conference, 06-07 November, 2019, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic (P. 478-489).

Javed, M., Awan, MS, & Waqas, M. (2017). International migration, remittances inflow and household welfare: An intra village comparison from Pakistan. Social Indicators Research130 (2), 779-797.

Awan, MS, Javed, M., & Waqas, M. (2015). Migration, remittances, and household welfare: Evidence from Pakistan. The Lahore Journal of Economics20 (1), 47.

Ussenova, D., & Javed, M. (2018). Comparative analysis of the development of hotel sector in the repulic of Kazakhstan and Czech Republic. International Scientific Conference: Economics, Management, Finance (EMF 2018), Baratislava, Slovakia.

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