doc. PhDr. Ing. Aleš Gregar, CSc.
Department of Management and MarketingU2/308
Author identifiers
Assoc. Prof. Aleš Gregar
Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Marketing at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic. He is guarantor of courses and gives lectures in Human Resources Management, Work Systems and Baťa Management System. He has led several research projects focusing on managerial concepts of personnel management and the role of human resources management in strategic business management to competitiveness. Recently, his research focuses on the topics of specific human resources management forms in relation to the work potential of 50+ workers and in relation to the digitization of production management and the implementation of the Smart Factory concept (Industry 4.0). He visited and lectured at universities in Great Britain, Finland, Portugal, Poland and Hungary. He publishes in the domestic and foreign professional journals, and is the author of 140 research publications.
Consulting hours
Monday 10am - 12 amCurriculum vitae
1962 - 1967: Slovak Technical University Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Ing.)
1970 – 1975: Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Philosophy, degree course in Psychology (Mgr.)
1982: Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Philosophy, doctoral exam (PhDr.)
1986 – 1991: University of Economics Prague, Faculty of Management, doctoral studies (Ph.D.)
2001: University of Technology Brno, Faculty of Business and Management, habilitation (Assoc. Prof.)
Internships and study stays
Study stays: TEMPUS ESPRO, EMADES and other:
1996 a 1997, EAP Oxford UK (European School of Management), course
MEB – Masters in European Business, 2 weeks,
1997, Universidade Nova Lisabon, Portugal, course Industrial Engineering, 2 weeks,
1998, 1999 a 2000, Huddersfield University Business School, UK, course Business Ethics a Intercultural Man, 3 weeks,
2001, University of Luton, UK, course Intercultural Management, 1 week,
2002, School of Business Administration, Pohjois-Savo Polytechnic, Varkaus, Finland, lecturer, 1 week,
2003, EAC, Language School, Edinburgh, UK, 2 weeks,
2006, Huddersfield University Business School, UK, lecturer, 1 week,
2008, University Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics, Hungary, lecturer, 1 week,
2010, Huddersfield University Business School, UK, lecturer, 1 week,
2012, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Peking, China, lecturer, 1 week
2013, Universidade Feevale, School of Business Administration, Brasil, lecturer, 1 week,
2013, Pharos University in Alexandria, Faculty of Engineering, Egypt, lecturer, 1 week,
2014, University of Delhi, Faculty Science and Technology, New Delhi, India, lecturer, 1 week,
2016, Ton Duc Thang University, School of Business Admin., HCMC, Viet-Nam, lecturer. 2 weeks.
Process of employment
1967 – 1969, Aritma Praha, Department of Marketing
1970 – 1981, Barum Otrokovice, Head of Personnel department
1981 – 1991, Barumprojekt Zlín, Head of Department of economical analysis
1991 – 1996/January/, Technoplast, a. s., Chropyně, HR director,
1996 – 1997/October/, Faculty of Management and Economics VUT in Zlín, Head of Department of Management
1997 – 1998/October/, Závody přesného strojírenství, a. s., Zlín, HR director,
od 1. 10. 1998 – 2001, Faculty of Managementu and Economics TBU in Zlín, Head of Department of Management
2001 – 2004, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Vice-rector
2004 – 2007, Faculty of Management and Economics TBU in Zlín, Vice-dean
2009 – 2015, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Vice-rector
2016 – present , Faculty of management a Economics TBU in Zlín, Department of Management and Marketing, Assoc. Prof.
Membership of expert organizations
Club of HR Managers CZ, member, (2001 – )
Czech Association of Work and Organisational Psychology, CAPPO, member, (2001 - )
Membership of bodies
Scientific Board of Tomas Bata University in Zlíně, member, (2001 – ),
Scientific Board of TnUAD, Faculty of SER, Trenčín, member, (2010 – ),
Scientific Board of STU, Faculty of Material andTechnology , Trnava, member, (2004 – 2015),
Scientific Board of TBU, Faculty of Management and Economics, Zlín, member, (2004 – 2016),
Scientific Board of TBU, Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Zlín, member, (2003 – 2007),
Scientific Board of TBU, Faculty of Humanities, Zlín, member, (2007 – 2011),
Scientific Board of TBU, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, Zlín, member, (2009 – 2013),
Board for Doctoral Studies, Economics and Management, FaME TBU in Zlíně, member, (2010 - )
Board for Doctoral Studies, Work and Organisation Psychology , FF UK Praha, member, (2010 - ),
Board for Doctoral Studies, Business Economics and Management, ESF MU Brno, member, (2018 - )
Czech Association of Work and Organisational Psychology, board of association, member (2001 - )
Psychologie pro praxi, Editorial Board, member, Karolinum UK Praha (ISSN 1803-8670), (2001 – ),
FM Fórum manažera, Editorial Board, member, STU MTF Trnava (ISSN 1339-9403), (2010 – ),
SER Socálno-ekonomická revue, Editorial Board, member, TnUAD FSEV Trenčín (ISSN 1336-3727), (2012 – ),
E+M Ekonomie a management, Editorial Board, member,TU Liberec (ISSN 1212-3609), (2000 – 2016).