Associate Professor
doc. Ing. Roman Bobák, Ph.D.
Department of Industrial Engineering and Information Systems
E-mail: bobak@utb.cz
+420 606 777 237
+420 576 032 673
Author identifiers
Teaching: Basics of Logistics (BSP), Logistics, System Engineering – Management Tool (NMSP), Production Management and Organization – Logistics (DSP)
Scientific research: production and logistics performance of industrial producers
Coordination of projects: ESF Centralized TBU project in Zlín, 2017-2019, DA 7, process management specialist, partial activity coordinator
Consulting hours
Wednesday 9am - 11amCurriculum vitae
- 2003 - 2004: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Economics and Management of Enterprise, habilitation proceeding, Associate Professor
- 1994 - 1999: Brno University of Technology , Faculty of Business, Faculty of Management and Economics, Management and Economics of Industry, Ph.D.
- 1989 - 1990: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Selected subjects of Management, postgraduate studies
- 1979 - 1980: University of Economics Bratislava, Automated Management Systems I, postgraduate studies
- 1966 - 1971: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, degree course in Technology of leather, rubber and plastics, Master´s degree
- 1962 - 1966: Machine - bulding School in Zlín, Engineering Technology
Internships and study stays
- 1996: EAP Berlin, Germany study and work stay within Tempus programme
- 1998: EAP Berlin, Germany study and work stay within Tempus programme
- 2000: EAP Lisbon , Portugal study and work stay within Tempus programme
Process of employment
- 2000 - present: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Industrial Engineering and Information Systems, Departmemt Director 2001 - 2009, Vice-Dean for Researche, DSP and Development until 2017
- 1994 - 1999: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Technology (IME), Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Administration Vice-Dean for Science and Research since 1997
1991 - 1994: Svit a.s Division of RaTŘ, Head of the Main Designer, Deputy Director
1971 - 1990. INCOMA Zlín, analyst programmer, senior researcher, Deputy for Development - Deputy Director
Membership of expert organizations
- Czech Society for System Integration, a collective member since 1998
Membership of bodies
- Scientific Board of Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Management and Economics , member since 1997
- Scientific Board of Tomas Bata University , member 2004 - 2007, permanent guest 2007 - 2011
- Scientific Board of Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management , member since 2010
- Board for Internal Evaluation of Tomas Bata University , member since 2017
- Board of doctoral study program Economics and Management Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Management and Economics, member since 2001