Associate Professor
doc. PhDr. Vnislav Nováček, CSc.
Department of Economics
E-mail: novacek@utb.cz
+420 606 777 221
+420 576 032 530
Author identifiers
Theory of Economic Thought
Consulting hours
Wendesday 12am - 13.30pmCurriculum vitae
- 1989: Brno University of Technology, FME, Political Economics, Associate Professor
- 1985: University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Economics, Political Economy, CSc.
- 1977: Charles University Prague, Faculty of Philosophy, History of Economic Theories, PhDr.
- 1974: UJEP Brno, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Philosophy, Mathematics-Political Economics, Mgr.
Process of employment
- 1992: EAP - European School of Management Oxford
- 1995: GUH - Gothenburg University Handelshogskolan
- 1997: UNL - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
- 1999: HUBS - Huddersfield Universtiy Business School
- 2001: LSE - London School of Economics
Membership of expert organizations
- 2012-present: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department ofEconomics, Associate Professor
- 2008-2011: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Vice-Dean for Combined Study and Lifelong Learning
- 2002-2007: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Dean
- 1999-2001: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Institute of Economics, Director
- 1996-2001: BUT, Faculty of Management and Economics, Vice-Dean for Educational Activities
- 1992-1996: BUT, Faculty of Technology, Head of the IME Management Department
- 1990-1991: BUT, Faculty of Technology, Vice-Dean for Foreign Relations
- 1989-present: Brno University of Technology, TBU in Zlín, FT and FaME
- 1977-1989: BUT, Faculty of Technology, Senior Lecturer
- 1975-1977: UJEP Brno, Faculty of Science, Lecturer
Membership of bodies
- 2016-present: member of the FaME TBU Scientific Council of TBU in Zlín
- 2002-2012: Member of TBU Scientific Council in Zlín