prof. Ing. Felicita Chromjaková, PhD.
Department of Industrial Engineering and Information Systems
E-mail: chromjakova@utb.cz
+421 907 858 465
+420 576 032 819
Author identifiers
Lecture orientation: Industrial Engineering – Methods I-II, Production Management and Organisation, Industrial Moderation
Scientific-research orientation: Production Process Improvement, Production Process Innovation, INDUSTRY 4.0
Consulting hours
Monday 10am - 12amCurriculum vitae
- 2010-present: Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Management and Economics, degree in Economics and Management - Industrial Engineering, , prof.
- 2004: University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering of Industry Management, doc.
- 1998: University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Enterprise Management, PhD.
- 1993: University of Žilina, Faculty of Transport and Economics, Economics of road transport, Ing.
Internships and study stays
- 2018: Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart, Germany, study travel INDUSTRY 4.0
- 2017: University of Algarve, Portuguese, lecturer within the ERASMUS programme
- 2014: Australia Business Committee, lecturer by Australian Business Foundation
- 2012: Vienna University, lecturer within the ERASMUS programme
Process of employment
- 2010-present: Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Industrial Engineering, head of department
- 2005-2015: IPA Slovakia, Žilina, project manager
- 1998-2005: University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, associate professor, head of department